Wednesday, 23 November 2011

The Piggy Bank

The Piggy Bank © 2011 Natasha Forder

I am dumpy and round with short stubby legs
I am shiny porcelain, decorated in patchwork at its best
I glisten in the light, the light to which I look up at
And my colouring is white, green, yellow, brown, red, blue and black
The hole in my back is an open slot
But my hole down below is bunged so as to stop
The savings of my small owner from falling straight through
And being lost forever in her fairy tale room.

By Natasha
© 2010 Natasha Forder

This poem was written about the piggy bank in the picture.  I'd have liked to have photographed it in a fairy tale setting to fit in with the poem but alas I didn't have one!  The poem was written for an exercise given in the Teach Yourself your evening class Creative Writing course.  This exercise was to look at an object and write down observations about it taking into account its size, shape, contour, colouring, the way light strikes it, whether shiny or matt and anything else.  Without even thinking about it my observations became this poem.  Even when I am not trying to write poetry it ends up as poetry!

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